Beyond Documents
Data has its own issues
While data people tend to think of XML documents as mere containers for carrying highly-structured data, it still seems fair to question whether some of the lessons from parallel markup apply to data.
Most programs handle a wide variety of problems through indirection. Pointers aren't that incredibly different from the ranges used by Ool.
Thinking about CSV etc.
Prior representations of information often used a header to specify a pattern, which was then followed by an arbitrary number of repeats. In some ways, the header is markup, applied through pattern repetition rather than ranges.
Markup document as effective schema
If a developer were to use parallel markup with data-centric information, the markup could be seen as an explanation of the data, rather than a mere container for holding it. Effectively, the markup provides a description of what the information is about without intervening directly on the information - and someone else could provide an alternate description.
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