Built-in Types
- A solid foundation If you're looking for datatypes, the spec has string, boolean, float, double, decimal, timeInstant, timeDuration, recurringInstant, binary, uri-reference, ID, IDREF, ENTITY, NOTATION, language, IDREFS, ENTITIES, NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS, Name, QName, NCName, Integer, non-positive integer, negative-integer, long, int, short, byte, non-negative integer, unsigned-long, unsigned-int, unsigned-short, unsigned-byte, positive-integer, date and time.
- A separate spec The Datatypes spec is separate from the Schema structures spec, making it possible to use independently.
- Extensible data types Patterns and facets can be used to create new datatypes from the built-in set. (Everything in the list above after NOTATION is derived inside the spec, in fact.)
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Copyright 2000 Simon St.Laurent