RELAX's future
No longer the only competition
While TREX is a new competitor, its appearance and move to OASIS suggest that we're in for a long period of multiple schema vocabularies. New schema approaches seem to appear on a fairly regular basis. "There can be only one" does not appear to be true in this case.
ISO voting results?
We should know in the next few months if RELAX Core passed the country-by-country voting for ISO Technical Reports
A five-year commitment
Murata Makoto, who's spearheaded RELAX work, has promised that he will focus on RELAX for five years regardless of institutional support.
A world of alternatives?
Schemas serve an incredible number of different needs, from yes-no validation to pre-compilation data binding to late binding to editorial support. RELAX will probably find a home among developers who need something lighter-weight than XML Schema, with ready processability and easier versioning.
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