XLinkFilter Code
The XLinkFilter code is licensed by Simon St.Laurent under the Mozilla Public License. You may use this code and derivatives of this code in your own programs, whether or not they are free and/or open-source, but this code and portions of your programs that are derivative of this code must be distributed as source code under this license. If you're kind enough to send your enhanced code back to me, I'll make certain you are credited for your efforts in the source code.
Note: For the latest versions of many of these files, please see the Next Generation area. The code there isn't complete, but it represents a significant rebuilding in progress.
Complete Download
- This jar file contains all the library code as well as the command-line tester and the applets.
- The Link class, version 0.22, (representing a single connection between locations) is available in source or compiled.
- The LinkSet class, version 0.24, (representing a set of connections between locations) is available in source or compiled. At present it provides some utility functions.
- The XLinkFilter class, version 0.23, operates between the SAX parser and the application and creates a list of links. It is available in source or compiled. You'll also need John Cowan's ParserFilter class.
- The LocationFilter class, version 0.10, (representing a single connection between locations) is available in source or compiled.
Sample applications
- XLinkTest Command-line interface
- The XLinkUser class, version 0.12, sets up the XLinkFilter class and collects its output. It is available in source or compiled.
- The XLinkTest class, version 0.11, provides a command-line interface to test out the XLinkUser and other classes. It is available in source or compiled.Note: The code is currently set up to use AElfred, but may be modified to use another SAX parser. The command line usage is
java XLinkTest URL
- An easy jar download that includes all required files is also available.
- LinkMap Applet
Coming soon: more documentation, more examples, and more easily downloaded code!
Overview | Design Notes | Documentation | Resources | Code | Next Generation
Last updated 12/15/98